In solitude and silence
Accept to
“take time to watch it”
(Therese of Avila)
and let yourself be watched.
Listen to it in silence,
He who is the incarnate Word.
Nourish us with his Word
Stand before this God
whose presence/absence
keeps confusing us.
To discover oneself infinitely loved.
In Church
Liturgical celebrations open to all…
Before God for all
« The world is on fire, now is not the time to worry about unimportant things. »
Teresa of Avila
A Carmelite does not leave the world
that the better to offer it to God,
She does not separate from her loved ones
only to join the universal
and thus reach every man.
Thérèse, proclaimed by the Church
Patroness of the Missions,
visibly shows us the fruits
of a life entirely offered to love.
In the world of today
that God is there, despite his noticeable absence.
“Alive is the God before whom I stand,”
we say again
during our hours of prayer.
A loved one dies in a car accident,
where are you Lord?
Terrorist attack and so many innocent victims
where are you Lord?
drought, famine, unemployment,
where are you Lord?
despite the difficulties, the doubts (but yes, there are some!).
but also suffering or revolt
in front of events
that affect us or our loved ones
or even humanity.
The hope of one is given to that which weakens,
the treasure is pooled.
the one that annoys me, welcoming the slowness of one or the speed of the other,
accepting one's handicaps, welcoming others in all circumstances
even the most difficult
offer his smile widely.